Notion Wave
We have been working in this field since 1989. 30 years! We started with content first and worked with CD-ROM abstract databases, then moved on to DVD, then Internet took over. Online content was the core of our business until 2012, but long before that we had developed a number of digital library tools to support our clients and provide easy access to their online resources. From 2012, we fully focused on our suite of knowledge management products called iKNiTO. These products are used by all sizes and types of institutions, from a research center, to a national consortium. In 2017, we launched our initial versions of PUBNiTO which is an integration of a number of products which help you publish ePUB3 based books, sell, and deliver to readers. In 2018, we launched our learning suite under LRNiTO, which currently deals with assessment part of K12 online learning and will be gradually expanding to become a novel learning management system. iKNiTO, PUBNiTO, and LRNiTO are able to deeply integrate and provide a seamless knowledge and learning platform.
Technology Stack
We are using state of the art technologies in software development. This enables us to be in front line of technology advances. At the same time it gives us ability to respond to market demands with the highest agility.
- React Technology is used as our main front-end development platform
- MongoDB used to complete our hybrid database model to fit different needs of the projects
- Node.js is our main programming language as it has the fastest growing community over languages and gives us ultimate flexibility on development life-cycle
- Elastic is our engine of choice when it comes to large scale search and query requirements
- Kubernetes is our open source container-orchertration system for automating development, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
- AWS from Amazon is our preferred cloud based storage for all our servers.