Set up
For World-Class Scientific Conferences
We have designed iKNiTO CS for major universities and research centers as well as corporations which routinely run scientific conferences. In these conferences and seminars there are always both scientific as well as executive operations going on. iKNiTO CS recognizes roles that people play from the inception of a conference idea to its final publication and offers appropriate and customizatble roles and responsibilities. And it is multi language and works perfect in both LTR and RTL languages. Integrated with ZOOM®, to run virtual conferences and web sessions
Let them Communicate
Our iKNiTO Knowledge Management products are able to integrate and communicate with each other. So, from your library screen you can see your library resources, your courseware stored in the repository and any journal or proceeding published through your journal and conference systems.
A National Project
iKNiTO CS has a real impact on knowledge development and dissemination. Just click on the EKB image or below and see how within a year nearly 30 conferences (and rising) are managed by this very unique system. This deployment is a country wide one and supports multiple languages as well as LTR and RTL ones.
Roles and Responsibilities
iKNiTO CS facilitates flow of information and tasks between various people involved in the running of a conference. It also makes sure that everything is performed on time. It has a number of customizable roles which correspond with the role of people involved. Here are the main ones, and many more can be added.