Conference System + ZOOM®

A Multi Language Comprehensive Academic Conference Workflow Management

Set up

Set the scope and regulations, reviewers and editors, sponsors, workshops, contests, financial transactions, and create a complete website for each of your conferences


Individual or group registration and payment of fees by attendees or sponsors with contracts with the conference are all done through the conference site


Papers or abstracts are submitted according to the conference’s regulations and through its website. Once submitted, iKNiTO CS lets you track the paper and makes sure of timely results


Conferences will need to ensure that high quality papers and abstracts are submitted. This is done through their reviewers who will be assigned various papers for review and decision making. Everything is trackable by the system which also sends remiders to make sure of timely decisions


Use iKNiTO CS to define your exhibition rules and scope, floor plan, pricing, and all related matters. Then let the system manage it for you


Scientific conferences usually bring contests or some form of gamification to attract younger generations to attend. From receiving ideas for contests to annoucing and managing them, you can use iKNiTO CS


Create workshops and let iKNiTO CS manage registration and scheduling. It also follows up all financil transactions and paid or unpaid invoices


What remains of a conference is what the conference has piblished, be it various news and announcements, or their final proceedings. These are all handlled through iKNiTO CS

For World-Class Scientific Conferences

We have designed iKNiTO CS for major universities and research centers as well as corporations which routinely run scientific conferences. In these conferences and seminars there are always both scientific as well as executive operations going on. iKNiTO CS recognizes roles that people play from the inception of a conference idea to its final publication and offers appropriate and customizatble roles and responsibilities. And it is multi language and works perfect in both LTR and RTL languages. Integrated with ZOOM®, to run virtual conferences and web sessions


Management of User Registration and Participation in the Conference
Registration of Legal Entities
Ability to receive abstract and full paper at the same time, or abstract first and full paper after acceptance
Automatic recording of all processes related to papers, including assessment and review
Track status of a paper
Upload different file types during submission of paper
Ability to revise and amend after a review, and subsequent resubmission
Ability to create and edit review forms
Management of scientific contests either in parallel to a conference or a totally separate entity
Management of enrollment and running of workshops
Different settings for each conference, festival, seminar, contest, …
Create customized menus and pages
Rename menus as needed
Edit default emails
Ability to send email to users
Ability to load images to conference home page for promotion
Send SMS to users
Online fees payment
Management of travel and accommodation services

Let them Communicate

Our iKNiTO Knowledge Management products are able to integrate and communicate with each other. So, from your library screen you can see your library resources, your courseware stored in the repository and any journal or proceeding published through your journal and conference systems.

A National Project

iKNiTO CS has a real impact on knowledge development and dissemination. Just click on the EKB image or below and see how within a year nearly 30 conferences (and rising) are managed by this very unique system. This deployment is a country wide one and supports multiple languages as well as LTR and RTL ones.

Roles and Responsibilities

iKNiTO CS facilitates flow of information and tasks between various people involved in the running of a conference. It also makes sure that everything is performed on time. It has a number of customizable roles which correspond with the role of people involved. Here are the main ones, and many more can be added.

Conference Manager

Oversees conference website and all user accounts for that site. He/She configures the conference site and sets up any of the attached conference sites. CM manages sponsors of the conference as well as all parallel activities such as exhibitions.


Author submits paper to the conference, and participates in the review and editing process.


Provides peer-review of the submissions for the conference. She/He will recommend for or against inclusion of the submission to the conference.


Publishes abstracts and original of approved submissions in the conference website.

News Manager

Manages all information related to the conference in its website.

Contests Scientific Editor

Is responsible for scientific integrity of the contest.


If there is a competition/contest segment in the conference, the referee will be responsible for it. Alternatively they might referee submissions based on their scientific merits.

Exhibition Manager

Manages all tasks related to the running of the exhibition.

Ready To Get Started?