Journal Evaluation

Manage and Monitor Publication of Academic Journals

Timely Publication

If you are overseeing a number of scientific journals, then you certainly need to monitor their timeliness and orderly publication. iKNiTO JVAL gives you tools for continulously monitoring your jornals

Global Exposure

As part of your monitoring procedures, you can determine how well a journal is exposed globally. The best way is to monitor proper indexing of each journal in related ranking indecies


Check and rank journals based on their website information and your ability to collect all required data for your evaluation

Be A World-Class Publisher

iKNiTO JVAL is a unique total solution designed for national or regional organizations responsible for monitoring and evaluation of their scientific presses. It allows stakeholders to examine each of the scientific publications and rank based on timely publication of each issue, indexing of the journal in major ranking sites, and journal website quality and completeness of journal information. iKNiTO JVAL is primarily designed with large consortia in mind. These are some major regional or national organizations who oversee publication of journals by their affiliates.

Who is Doing It?

iKNiTO JVAL is designed for regional or national bodies responsible for monitoring their affiliates publishing quality. There will be a number of people involved and iKNiTO JVAL will have roles and responsibilities correspondingly.

System Manager

Manages the system in terms of its web site, changes in publications information, addition or omission of publications, dissemination of emails to users, publication evaluation forms

Publication Manager

Each publication (journal) has a manager who enters the system by his/her username and password, and updates publications information

Work Group Specialist

All publications are categorized based on their subjects. Each subject will be associated with a Work Group and the Specialist of the Work Group is responsible for sending publications to referees for evaluation. He or she could also participate in the evaluation

Work Group Members

Review publications which are evaluated by the Specialist

Work Group Manager

Oversees evaluations of its members and either confirms or re-evaluates

Secretary to the Publications Commission

Either applies the evaluation of rankings given by others in above roles or returns to Work Groups for further examination

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